think, ‘Why Not’

Holy shit, that’s a rolling jolt. Is it really like this? Why can’t it be changed? Why am I poked every time? Why should I do this? Why shouldn’t I do this? Why should I follow the norms? Why can’t I break the rules? Why can’t I choose what’s to be generally avoided?

Life is full of cans and cannots. We are circumferenced with the should dos and the shouldn’t dos around us. The genset of common man runs deep down in the reign of the so called rational thinking of can dos and should dos. Since childhood our minds are puppeted to follow the same chase. Our creative minds are shut with a big slam! The thinker LEFT of our brain is bolted tight ‘Shut up dude & close down’.

I ignore all.
I choose disruption.
I change the paradigm.
I set my own rhythm.
I sit and think, ‘Why Not’.

It gives me a chance to risk the tested flow of rational and walk on the irrationals. It brings me closer to design my own path of being rational. It yields me immense gain as I challenge my own thoughts and come with path breaking solutions. Yes friends, in today’s world where everything is automated and robotic in nature, ‘idea’ is the only unique thing, which rides on the autopilot mode. All it requires, is a little gut in you with some basic maths.
I call it the think ‘Why Not’ App.

The capacity of our human brain is empowered with the most high quality superficia. We can actually compel our mind to tune to almost everything. Unfortunately the human brain is used only 10% vis-à-vis its original capacity. A human brain can store upto 4.7 billion books worth material in its time. Today, we have stopped questioning our own self. We have succumbed to the vegetative state. The coma state is far more appealing to us as we are spoon fed with all ready mades through external feeds. With the help of a small click the world is brought to our desk. Its time we wake up and sensitize the powerful efficiency within us and maximize to its full potential.

The circle of life is filled with wise old men. At every juncture we claim guidance to choose the thin line between why this and why not this. Isn’t it a difficult choice? Before we experience the journey of merits and demerits of our own choice the goalpost is pre-decided. We have become naive in origin.

But what if I disregard the guidance of the wise old men? What happens next?

I think I have the courage to follow my own instincts. I hear my inner self and make my own choice. I feel I am sorted for now. I choose the ‘Why Not’ choice. I am welcomed with a shock. I crash. I tumble. I fall. My choice proved to be futile. It sounded worthless. For a moment I feel, what if I had heard the wise old men?

I clear my thoughts and I still get up. Gripped with the will power of my gut, I choose to walk on my two again. My resolve is much stronger now. I have become firm in nature. This time my brain works better to beat the normal preset capacity of 10%. Its ticking fast. It signals me – go for it. My neurons are jumping in a race to challenge its pace. I continue to brave the uncertainty. Let time not master you. You master the time. This time I do my homework better. I pen and paper my unique idea. My checklist is much more filtered. My maths is better calculated. I am equipped to take the plunge again. My risk is the investment of my booty. The tumble actually made me introspect within to be grounded in the league of ups and downs. With my back leaned against the wall I decided to stay ahead of the curve. I weeded out the humdrum of clutter. The stir of clean air took me ahead. My fear transformed into the confidence of my abilities. I explore the unexplored. I open up more opportunities. The perspective of my paths started becoming clear. The lull has disappeared. My productivity is poised to boost and my growth is contagious. My solo trip on risk is the initial EMI of my long term ROI. Finally my goal has shone light. Now, I am towards the definition of my own carved success. I am cent percent sure I’ll reach the pinnacle.

All this happened because I chose think, ‘Why Not’.

This read is dedicated to the iron lady who has been my guide and philosopher in the testimony of time.
Heartfelt Thank You – Mrs. Usha Tanna

10 thoughts on “think, ‘Why Not’

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  1. Thought provoking article. In today’s world everyone is confused whether To do or Not to do? This article gives the inspiration to take challenges & move ahead in life. Kudos to the author for the wonderful article.


  2. Beautifully written. I have become a fan after reading this. Yes, from now on I too will sit and tell myself “Why Not”.
    You keep up the Good Work and You surely will reach Your Pinnacle.
    All the best & God bless You always


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